An eloquent Jew from Alexandria, well versed in the scrip...
An eloquent Jew from Alexandria, well versed in the scripture, was
Correct answer is D
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Paul wrote to the Thessalonians about idleness because he learnt that they were ...
"Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you ...
Peter and John were arrested the second time by the Jewish authorities because the apostles ...
Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel for his farewell address at ...
Jesus taught that one should make friends quickly with one's ...
St. John referred to Jesus' miracles as signs because they convey all the following except the ...
God has extended the promise He made to Abraham to all those who share his faith based on ...
Peter teaches that as aliens and exiles on earth Christians should ...
"Is it you, you troubler of Israel? These words were said by King ...