More than half of the world's trade is?
...More than half of the world's trade is?
among developing countries
among developed countries
between developed and developing countries
between Asiatic and African countries
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The latitude which marks the lines of the sun's apparent movement north and south of the equator...
The rock type whose principal constituents can be seen without magnification is? ...
World population distribution is characterized by? ...
The process by which the earth's surface is generally reshaped and lowered is known as ...
In which regions can stalactites, swallow holes and caverns be found? ...
Rivers can erode their beds through the process of? ...
The bearing of Ameka from Aba Omege road junction is approximately ...
The most important cash crop in the irrigated Nile Basin is ...
The earth is enveloped by a mixture of gases referred to as the ...
The sea with the highest degree of salinity in the world is the? ...