The prophecy that Judah should expect a foe from the Nort...
The prophecy that Judah should expect a foe from the North came from
Correct answer is D
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After the dedication of the Temple, Ezra studied the law of the LORD in order to ...
When Saul escaped from Damascus to Jerusalem after his conversion, the disciples in Jerusalem ...
When the Lycaonians saw the miracle of healing by the apostles, they tried to ...
'The eye can not say to the hand- I have no need of you'. Why did Paul say this? ...
The attribute of God which Isaiah emphasized most is His ...
The phrase 'old life' as used in the Epistle implies ...
Where did Jesus go after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem? ...
The trial of Jesus was transferred from the High Priest's court to Pilate because ...
Peter enjoins church Elders as witnessing of the sufferings of Christ, to tend the flock of God ...
''Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?'' Jesus' reply was that ...