........said to the Ethiopian eunuch, Do you understand w...
........said to the Ethiopian eunuch, Do you understand what you are reading?
Prophet Isaiah
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Busy bodies and those living in idleness in the church at Thessalonica were admonished to ...
When Jesus sent out the Twelve, he commanded them to ...
In God's covenant with Israel, the central theme was ...
Jesus used the illustration of the vine to teach that a christian that abides in Him will surely ...
The first five disciples that Jesus called as recorded in the Synoptic gospels were ...
'' At that time shall arise.... the great prince who has charge of your people....''...
Jeremiah proclaimed that God's word in his mouth will be fire to ...
Peter advised his fellow elders to tend the flock of God that was in their charge ...