The story of the healing of the paralytic shows that Jesu...
The story of the healing of the paralytic shows that Jesus
Jesus has power over demons
Is merciful
Is the Messiah
Has the authority to forgive sins
Is a healer
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Joshua's first victory was in ...
When Peter said the time had come for judgement to begin with the "household of God" he me...
"Don't be afraid, henceforth you will be catching men". "Catching men" means...
Because David sought God's will to pursue the Amalekites who had invaded Ziklag, he was rewarded...
Which part of Matthew's gospel best summarizes Jesus' teachings? ...
Saul disobeyed God's command through Samuel because ...
According to Amos, true religion consists in ...
Cornelius a centurion of the Italian cohort in Caesaria was converted and baptized by ...
The one who saved Joseph's life when his brothers wanted to kill him was ...