Paul's First Missionary Journey started from
...Paul's First Missionary Journey started from
Correct answer is D
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According to Peter, Christians who suffer according to the will of God will receive ...
According to Jeremiah, the people of Israel were in exile because of their ...
Amos saw Bethel, Gilgal and other high places of worship as ...
'The word is near you, on your lips and in your heart...' The word in Paul's statement ...
Although David was regarded as a man after God's heart, he acted badly before God when he ...
Which of these women was absent during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? ...
The quotation, ''Let me not look upon the death of the child'' comes from the story ...
Be it unto me according to thy words, this statement by Mary was a statement of ...
What does Jesus have in mind when he told the parable of the Good Samaritan? ...