The ocean currents marked X and Y are the
...The ocean currents marked X and Y are the
Cold Saharan Current and cold Namibian current
Warm canaries Current an dwarm Bengueka current
Warm gulk-stream and warm Humbolt current
Cool Cnaries current and cool Benguela current
Warm canaries current and cool mozambique current
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Nguru and Kaura Namoda settlements in Northern Nigeria are most notable for? ...
In Koppen's classification of climates, Af refers to? ...
Coastlines washed by cold currents normally have ...
The least geographical factor that determined town sites in the past was the? ...
Which of the following rocks is produced by the solidification of magma within the earth crust? ...
The southern most latitude in Africa is approximately ...
One major advantage of the figure is that, it ...
What will be the local time in Nigeria 15oE when the time is 7.00 p.m. in town Y 30oW?...
If the time in New York (75°W) is 5:00pm, the time in Nigeria (15°E) will be? ...