Zahki Plc balance sheet (extract) as at 31st December 199...
Use the information below to answer this question
Zahki Plc balance sheet (extract) as at 31st December 1997. ₦ ₦
Paid up capital 200,000 Fixed assets 300,000
Share premium 15,000
Profit and loss account 60,000 Investment 180,000
Long-term loan 180,000 Stock 28,000
Debtors 90,000
Creditors 200,000 provision(3000) 87,000
Other current liabilities 100,000 Cash 60,000
Bank 100,000
755,000 755,000
The quick ratio is
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Use the following information to answer the given question \(\begin{array}{c|c} & N \\ \hline...
\(\begin{array}{c|c} & ₦ \\ \hline \text{Net profit} & 60,000\\ \text{Total assets} & ...
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A part of public company's profits belonging to the shareholders is ...
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Use the following information to answer the given question: \(\begin{array}{c|c} & N \\ \hl...
Opening capital ---10,800 Drawings----------- 2,500 Trade creditors ----2,560 Trade debtors -----...
Carriage outward expenses of a business are treated in the ...