Use the following information to answer the given questio...
Use the following information to answer the given question: SALES LEDGER CONTROL ACCOUNTS
\(\begin{array}{c|c} & N & & N \\ \hline \text{Balance b/d} & ? & \text{Discount allowed} & 968 \\ \text{sales} & 21,610 & \text{Sales returns} & 942 \\ \text{Acceptance dishonoured} & 542 & \text{cash received from customers} & ? \\ & & \text{Balance c/d} & 13,740 \\ \text{Total} & 34,743 & \text{Total} & 34,742
What is the total debts at the end of the year?
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following is a source of the local government Revenue? ...
A credit purchase of N200 from Osae was posted to the account of Osei. This is an error of ...
Carriage inwards on raw materials is recorded in the ...
The art of collecting, recording, presenting and interpreting accounting data is ...
The total credit sales for a period can be extracted from the ...
The expenses incurred in promoting a company are? ...
The major advantage of an imprest system is that it ...
Use the information to answer the given question. RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT: \(\begin{array}{...