Sai Baba made sales of N10,000 having computed his gross ...
Sai Baba made sales of N10,000 having computed his gross profit % to sales to be 20. His opening stock was N250 and ending stock is N200. Calculate his purchases.
Correct answer is A
The gross profit percentage of sales would be
20% x N 10,000 = N 2000
If cost of sales + gross profit = N 10,000 = N 2000
:. N 8000 + N 2000 = N 10,000
If cost of goods available for sales less closing stock
= cost of sales
:. N8200 + N200 = N8000
Hence; cost of goods available for sale = opening stock + purchases
:. N8200 = N250 + A
= N 8200 – N 250
=N 7950
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