According to the passage, there is always a gap between
The object underlying the rules of natural justice "is to prevent miscarriage of justice" and secure "fair play in action". As pointed out earlier, the requirement about recording of reasons for its decision by an administrative authority exercising quasi-judicial functions achieves his object by excluding changes of arbitrariness and ensuring a degree of fairness in the process of decision making. Keeping in view the expanding horizon of the principle of natural justice which govern exercise of power by administrative authorities.
The rules of natural justice are not embodied rules. The extent of their application depends upon the particularly statutory framework where under jurisdication has been conferred on the administrative authority. With regard to the exercise of particular power by an administrative authority including exercise of judicial or quasi-judicial functions the legislature, while conferring the said power, may feel that it would not be in the larger public interest that the reasons for the order passed by the administrative authority be recorded in the order and be communicated to the aggrieved party and it may dispense with such a requirement.
According to the passage, there is always a gap between
rules of natural justice and their application
conception of a rule and its concretisation
demand for natural justice and its realisation
intention and execution
Correct answer is A
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