Which of the following is the most important reasons why ...
Which of the following is the most important reasons why the highest densities of cattle in West Africa are to be found in the Sudan and Sahel Savannah zones?
The two zones are far from the coast
The two zones have abundant water resources
The two zones have abundant fodder resouces
The two zones are largely free from tsetse flies
The two zones have moderate temperature
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following is not important in defining soil? ...
Deforestation occurs when one of the following happens except ...
Dispersed rural settlements are most likely to be found in areas with? ...
The process whereby water changes from liquid to gaseous state is called? ...
What is the approximate length of the broad and shallow of River Amy? ...
Which of these planets completes its orbit in a much shorter space of time? ...
Which of the following criteria is not important in distinguishing between a village and a town? ...
Which one of the following states of Nigeria is a major kola-nut producer? ...