\(\begin{array}{c|c} & N \\ \hline \text{Sales} &...
Use the following information to answer the given question
\(\begin{array}{c|c} & N \\ \hline \text{Sales} & 14,600 \\ \text{Purchases} & 5,500 \\ \text{Return inward} & 150 \\ \text{Rent} & 2,000 \\ \text{Salaries} & 1,000 \\ \text{Discount received} & 400\\ \text{Closing stock} & 250 \\ \text{Opening stock} & 100\end{array}\)
Gross profit is
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following is the basis of accounting in public service? ...
Discount allowed is a charge made against ...
Which of the following is not a debit item in a partnership appropriation account? ...
Carriage outwards is the amount spent on transporting ...
Which of the following is not a data processing method? ...
Purchasers - #44,880 Sales - #85,850 Trade creditors - #12,250 Trade debtors - #24,000 Accrued e...
A company advertised and issued 750,000, 12% preference shares of N1 each to be issued ₦1.50 ...