In the absence of partnership agreement, profits and loss...
In the absence of partnership agreement, profits and losses are shared
In the ratio of capitals
In the ratio of drawings
According to services rendered
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Use the following information to answer the given question \(\begin{array}{c|c} & \text{1/1/86} ...
Reccurrent expenditure of government is paid from ...
The expenses incurred in purchasing a vehicle is a ...
Debentures can be redeemed out of? ...
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Use the information to answer the given question. \(\begin{array}{c|c} & D\\ \hline \text{O...
Use the following information to answer the given question \(\begin{array}{c|c} \text{Motor veh...
Control accounts help to verify the arithmetic accuracy of the postings from the ...