Crude petroleum is converted to useful products by the pr...
Crude petroleum is converted to useful products by the process of?
fractional crystallization
fractional distillation
Correct answer is B
A process called fractional distillation is used in oil refineries to separate (as well as join or split) the various lengths of hydrocarbon chains to create different petroleum products from the different distillates.
In the diagram above, the gas produced is? ...
If 10.8 g of silver is deposited in a silver coulometer volume of oxygen liberated is? ...
Which of the following does NOT contain aluminium as component? ...
An acid present in proteins is...
What is the atomic number of Cadmium? ...
Wine containing 8% to 17% ethanol can be converted to gin containing about 40% ethanol by ...
What is the atomic number of Ruthenium? ...
How many structural isomers of chlorobutane are possible? ...