i. Operating machines
ii. Furniture
iii. Fi...
i. Operating machines
ii. Furniture
iii. Fixtures and fitting
iv. Loan from friends
V. Creditors
Find the fixed assets?
i, ii and v
i, ii and iv
i, ii and iii
iii, iv and v
Correct answer is C
Fixed assets are assets which are purchased for long-term use and are not likely to be converted quickly into cash, such as land, buildings, furniture and equipment. From the question above they include; i, ii & iii.
Debentures issued at a price above the nominal value are said to be issued ...
The excess of assets over liabilities in a not for profit organization is.......... ...
A manufacturing company's cost of production was D 200,000. The finished goods were transfe...
The business entity concept ...
Rate of stock turnover is defined as ...
Which of the following is the basis of accounting in the Civil Service? ...