If one of the following oxides is heated with hydrogen or...
If one of the following oxides is heated with hydrogen or carbon using a bunsen burner. it is not reduced to the metal, Which one is it?
lead oxide
Magnesium oxide
Copper oxide
Tin oxide
Correct answer is B
The oxides of Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, and Magnesium are not reduced when they react with carbon and hydrogen.
Which of the following is used as fuel in miners' lamp? ...
Which of the following represents a precipitation reaction? ...
Which of the following are mixtures? i, Petroleum ii, Rubber latex iii. Vulcanizer's solution...
Which of the following represents the type of bonding present in ammonium chloride molecule? ...
The atomic radii of metals are usually ...
Electrons enter into orbitals in order of increasing energy as exemplified by? ...
Which of the following reactions does not take place in the smelting of iron in a blast furnace? ...
Destructive distillation of coal means...
The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is ...