The observation of the Sociologists are based on a study ...
Many sociologists have argued that there is functional relationship between education and economic system. They point to the fact that mass formal education began in industrial society. They note that the expansion of the economies of industrial societies is accompanied by a corresponding expansion of their educational systems. they explain this correspondance in terms of the needs of industry for skilled and trained manpower, needs which are met by the educational system.
Thus, the provision of mass elementary education in Britain in 1870 can be seen as a response to the needs of industry for a literate and numerate workforce at a time when industrial processes were becoming more complex and the demand for technical skills was steadily growing.
The observation of the Sociologists are based on a study of
the statistical data available in a historical context
economic system of the 19th century
the correlation between industry and education in a historical context
growth of industry in the 19th century
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
He is always picking holes in every project. ...
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According to the writer, the administration in India ...
At the moment the house was burgled, the family attended a night party in the neighbourhood. ...
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