Which of the following errors will affect the trial balan...
Which of the following errors will affect the trial balance total?
Posting disscount allowed to the debit side of the discount allowed account
Omission of one account from the list when extracting from the ledger
Failure to post sales of N2,000 and purchases of N2,000 from the subsidiiary ledger
Omission of sales of N3,000 and purchases of N2,000
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The depreciation on plant acquired by a manufacturing company is treated as ...
The objective of departmental account is to ...
When Your Silence Is Loud..& Your Eyes Speaking Volumes.. Calculate the value of credit sales...
Miscellaneous expense is 10% of revenue Calculate the net income. ...
\(\begin{array}{c|c} & D\\ \hline \text{Construction of classrooms} & 500,000\\ \text{Sinkin...
\(\begin{array}{c|c} & \text{N} \\ \hline \text{Stock Jan 1} & 2000 \\ \hline \text{Purchase...