Money not required to meet chargeable expenditure in any ...
Money not required to meet chargeable expenditure in any fiscal year under cash accounting, should be?
Surrendered to the consolidated revenue fund
Carried forward to the next financial year
Reserved to meet any deficits or contingencies
Returned to the taxpayer
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Use the following information to answer the given question, \(\begin{array}{c|c} & N\\ \hli...
A method of charging depreciation at a fixed percentage of the net book value is ...
Benefit enjoyed for which payments have not been made are? ...
What is the main purpose of transaction file? ...
Working capital is the excess of ...
Which of the following factors has aided the development of accounting? ...
At the end of a financial period, the trading profit and loss account of a sole trader shows...
The partner whose liability goes beyond his capital is a ...