State Bank collected a note for A-Makura Company. This co...
State Bank collected a note for A-Makura Company. This collection, not yet recorded in AL-Makura's books, appears on the bank reconciliation as?
An addition to balance per book
A deduction from balance per bank statement
An addition to balance per bank statement
A deduction from balance per books
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The term 'posting' in Accounting refers to ...
When a bill is negotiated to a bank, it is said be? ...
Books of accounts are opened by the use of ...
When closing stock is overstated, it would reduce, ...
Which of the following is mostly used in treating partner's current earnings? ...
The standing order is a payment instruction given by a ...
Which of the following items does not feature in the balance sheet of a club? ...