On the 30/5/93 Tolu & Co. paid 2 years rent of N50,00...
On the 30/5/93 Tolu & Co. paid 2 years rent of N50,000 which was debited to the rent account.
At 31/12/93, what portion of that amount was prepaid?
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Credit sales is given at 160% of cash received. What is the balance c/d? debit 64300 ...
The document making a public offer for he sale of a company's share is ...
The amount of each invoiced goods sent to the branch is debited to? ...
Yahya's bank account shows a credit balance of N1500,000. He paid N1700,000 into the bank. What...
Payment for shares in excess of amount offered gives rise to ...
\(\begin{array}{c|c} & N \\ \hline \text{Opening stock of raw materials} & 8,000\\ \text{Pur...
In the absence of a sales day book or sales account the credit for sales can be computed from ...