Diamond Ringo business was started when Mr. Diamond broug...
Diamond Ringo business was started when Mr. Diamond brought in a cheque of N500,000, which was paid into the bank account.
Which of the following entries properly records the transaction?
Cash account was credited with N500,000 and capital account was debited with N500,000
Bank account was debited with N500,000 and capital account was credited with N500,000
Bank account was accredited with N500,000
Mr. diamond acount was debited with N500,000 and the cheque account was credited with N500,000
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following is not a personal account? ...
The authority to transfer fund from one head to another within the same organization is called ...
Which of the following is source of document for the preparation of debtors' ledger account? ...
When a fixed asset is disposed off, the accounting entries to write off the asset are Debit ...
Given: I. Cash refunds II. Debit note issued III. Dishnoured cheque IV. Purchases The item on...
\(\begin{array}{c|c} & N \\ \hline sales & 45,000 \\ \text{Opening stock} & 20,000 \\ \t...
\(\begin{array}{c|c} Capital & Le \\ \hline Aye & 20,000\\ Bee & 30,000\\ Drawings &...
Accumulated depreciation on the asset as at 31/12/81 was ...