The illustrated farm operation is known as
...The diagram above illustrates a farm operation. Study it and answer the question
The illustrated farm operation is known as
Correct answer is A
Winnowing is the process of separating the lighter chaff or husk from the heavier grains or seeds after threshing. It is usually done by tossing the mixture of grains and chaff into the air with a winnowing basket or using a winnowing machine. The wind carries away the lighter chaff, allowing the heavier grains to fall back to the ground or into a container.
Which of the following biotic factors are usually used to control cassava mealbugs? ...
Which of the following statement about land is not correct? ...
Which of the following is not a component of an incubator? ...
________ is all written ideas and innovation for literate to read, understand and apply. ...
Which of the following group of crops can be attacked by smut diseases? ...
A consequence of pasture littered with polythene materials is that ...
Soil water that is available for root absorption at field capacity is ...
Natural immunity to diseases in calves is acquired through maccess to ...
The animal by-product illustrated in the diagram above is not used in making ...