Electronic configuration of an element 13 in the sub...
Electronic configuration of an element 13 in the subsidiary energy level is
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
What is the chemical symbol for Xenon? ...
CH3COOH(aq) + OH-(aq) ↔ CH3COO-(aq) + H2O(l) In the reaction above ,CH3COO-(aq) is...
What is the organic product of the reaction of C2H 5OH with excess acidified K 2Cr 2O7(aq)?...
The property of concentrated H2SO4 that makes it suitable for preparing HNO3 is its ...
Which of the following properties does not give evidence of the kinetic theory of matter? ...
The products of the electrolysis of dilute sodium chloride using carbon electrodes are Anode Cath...
A positive reaction to Fehling's test indicates the presence of ...