The energy value of petrol can be determined by a
...The energy value of petrol can be determined by a
bomb calorimeter
catalytic cracker
fractionating column
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The diagram above represents the formation of ...
Which of the following compounds is/are secondary alkanols? i) CH3CH(CH3)CH3OH ii) CH3CH2CH(OH)C...
The most malleable metal is ...
Tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid burns the skin by ...
Which of the following instruments is used in detecting the presence of radiation? ...
The seperation of Nitrogen from oxygen using fractional distillation of air is possible because ...
The gas given off when NH4 Cl is heated with an alkali is...
The hydrolysis of groundnut oil by potassium hydroxide is known as ...