______ introduce new ideas of farming seen in other place...
______ introduce new ideas of farming seen in other places to their dwelling.
Early adopters
Late adopters
Never adopters
Correct answer is A
Innovators introduce new ideas of farming seen in other places to their dwelling. Due to inexperience or error they might suffer losses and can be encouraged by giving expert advice, granting credit facilities, providing and subsidizing farm inputs, granting insurance cover, providing market for sale of produce.
Which of the following crops is not correctly grouped with its industrial product? ...
Leguminous cover crops do not ...
The removal of excess water from the sub-soil is known as ...
The farm practices that does not have a very harmful effect on the soil is ...
Which of the following statements is not an advantage of drainage? It ...
The bacterial blight of cotton is also known as ...
Fishing methods involves the use of the following different techniques or equipments except ...
Which of the following factors does not bring about soil formation? ...
Selection based on the performance of ancestors is referred to as ...