______ introduce new ideas of farming seen in other place...
______ introduce new ideas of farming seen in other places to their dwelling.
Early adopters
Late adopters
Never adopters
Correct answer is A
Innovators introduce new ideas of farming seen in other places to their dwelling. Due to inexperience or error they might suffer losses and can be encouraged by giving expert advice, granting credit facilities, providing and subsidizing farm inputs, granting insurance cover, providing market for sale of produce.
All but one are related to surface irrigation? ...
The pest designated as a national pest by the Nigeria Agricultural Advisory Council is ...
Which of the following factors affect the work rate of draught animals? l. Feed intake ll. B...
Which of the following agents is not associated with chemical weathering? ...
Fertilizers are applied to fishponds to serve as ...
The physical properties of soil include the following except ...
The breeds of cattle resistant to trypanosomiasis are ...
Which of the following is the best way to reduce surface run-off on farmlands? ...
Which of the following crops does not require nursery preparation? ...