The vapour pressure of a liquid depends on l. temperature...
The vapour pressure of a liquid depends on l. temperature. ll. rate of condensation. III. cohesive forces holding the particles together
l only
l and ll only
l and lll only
ll and lll only
Correct answer is C
Three common factors that influence the vapor pressure of a liquid are the surface area, intermolecular forces and the temperature.
In which of the following is the entropy change positive? ...
The function of conc. H2SO4 in the esterification of ethanoic acid with ethanol is to...
The diagram above represent the electron sub-level for ...
Pipe-borne water is usually chlorinated in order to ...
Which of the following statements is true? ...
Destructive distillation of coal means...
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Which of the following process does not take place in domestic water treatment? ...