The main function of limestone in the blast furnace is to...
The main function of limestone in the blast furnace is to
act as catalyst
act as reducing agent
remove impurity
supply carbon (IV) oxide
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Nigerian crude oil is described as light crude because of its ...
Which of the following compounds would release hydrogen when reacted with sodium metal? I.&nb...
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Which of these represents a redox reaction? ...
One of the following is not a physical property of monosaccharides? ...
Ethene when passed into concentrated H2SO4 is rapidly absorbed. The product is diluted with wat...
2NaNO3 → 2NaNO2 + O2. From the equation above, what is the volume of oxygen produced at s.t.p. ...
The shape of ammonia molecule is? ...
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