Which of the following metals could be used as sacrifical...
Which of the following metals could be used as sacrifical anode for preventing the corrosion of iron?
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
If an equilibrium reaction has ∆H < O, the reaction will proceed favorably in the forward react...
The complex salt formed when aluminium dissolves in sodium hydroxide solution is ...
Sulphur burns in air to form ...
A mixture of sugar and sulphur can be separated by? ...
Which of these reagents can confirm the presence of a triple bond? ...
Which of the following on burning in air contributes to acid rain? ...
For a general equation of the nature xP + yQ ≈ mR + nS, the expression for the equilibrium con...
The following factors affect the solubility of a solid in a given solvent except ...