If X is a group lll element, its oxide would be represent...
If X is a group lll element, its oxide would be represented as
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
An element, X, forms a volatile hydride XH3 with a vapour density of 17.0. The relative atomic ...
N2O4(g) ↔ 2NO2(g) In the endothermic reaction above, more product formation will be favoured by...
A mixture is different from a compound because ...
The type of reaction that is peculiar to benzene is? ...
The high boiling point of hydrogen fluoride can be explained in terms of ...
What is the trend for ionization energy across a period in the periodic table? ...
Which of the following arrangements shows increasing order of reactivity of the halogens?...
The valence electrons in a chloride ion are [17CI]...
The complex salt formed when aluminium dissolves in sodium hydroxide solution is ...