Which of the following groups of crops will thrive in are...
Which of the following groups of crops will thrive in areas with high rainfall?
Cotton, cowpea and groundnut
Millet, maize and cotton
Guinea com, cowpea and maize
Cocoa, oil palm and rubber
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The maturity period of groundnut in month is ...
Which of the following combinations of practices best controls groundnut rosette disease? ...
Gametes are produced through the process of ...
The aim of the experiment illustrated above is to ...
Which of the following factors is the least important in selecting a site for a fish-pond? ...
A major disadvantage of monoculture is that ...
Which of the following nutrient element is a macro-nutrient? ...
Piglet anaemia can be controlled by using ...
If an egg tray contains 30 eggs, how many trays of eggs will be collected in one week? ...