The type of energy obtain from the sun is
...The type of energy obtain from the sun is
Hydro energy
Solar energy
Thermal energy
Wind energy
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
I. Burning of trash II. Slashing of undergrowth III. Seed bed preparation IV. Soil ti...
The system of breeding that is practiced when N'dama cows are mated by muturu bulls is ...
Temperature is an important factor which is monitored in fish ponds because ...
One of the followings is not a basic consideration in planting operations ...
Which of the following reasons explain why fertilizers are added to soils? ...
Mastitis is a disease which affects the ...
Bull calves intended for breeding are sometimes nose-ringed in order to ...
Farm drainage does not lead to ...
Which of the following is not a government agricultural programme? ...