If an injured goat bleeds without clotting, it is likely ...
If an injured goat bleeds without clotting, it is likely that the goat is deficient in
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The major cause of spoilage in fresh fish is ...
Dried cassava should not exceed 50% of the total ration of pigs because ...
Water can be conserved in the soil by ...
Pigs wallow in muddy pools of water primarily to ...
The objective of crops improvement programmes is to produce the following except ...
Which of the following types of labour is commonly used in peasant agriculture? ...
The number of animals that can be conveniently fed on a hectare of pasture is known as ...
A periodic maintenance activity carried out on the illustrated farm machinery is? ...
Which of the following diseases commonly occur during brooding? I. Yolk sac infection II. Coc...