Feeds given to animals solely to sustain their live weigh...
Feeds given to animals solely to sustain their live weight is called
Balanced ration
Maintenance ration
Production ration
Weaner ration
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following refers to a farm accounting entry? ...
The main aim of preparing a farm income and expenditure statement is to ...
Cassava is cultivated in many ecological zones because of its ...
Which of the following factors is the least important in selecting a site for a fish-pond? ...
Which of the following biotic factors are usually used to control cassava mealbugs? ...
A protozoon organism causes ...
A major storage pest of cereals in West Africa is ...
Which of the following is not an economic importance of forests? They serve as source of ...
Capital in agriculture includes the following item except ...