An erect tropical perennial grass which grows to 3 - 6 me...
An erect tropical perennial grass which grows to 3 - 6 metres tall and has broad hairy leaves is the
Elephant grass
Gaint star grass
Spear grass
Gamba grass
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The physiological changes that show up during disease attack on crop plants are referred to as ...
Which of the following combinations of practices best controls groundnut rosette disease? ...
I. Burning of trash II. Slashing of undergrowth III. Seed bed preparation IV. Soil ti...
The law of diminishing returns helps in ...
The main aim of wildlife management is to ...
The biotic factor which derives much benefit from livestock and reduces productivity is a ...
Yellow colouration of the lower leaf of a growing maize plant may be due to deficiency in ...
Which of the following activities is correct about agricultural extension agent? ...