The difference between subsidy and loan is that subsidy
The difference between subsidy and loan is that subsidy
Is a short term credit whil loan is a long term credit
Is a medium term credit while loan is short term credit
Requries a colateral while a loan does not
Is not refundable while a loan is refundable
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The most important limitation of agricultural mechanization is ...
The pox disease in livestock are caused by ...
Which one of these is not an advantage of Newspaper as agricultural extension teaching methods? ...
Agricultural extension teaching methods are classified on the basis of ...
An effective control method of the citrus moth is ...
Which type of soil is usually preferred in terms of chemical properties in siting fish ponds? ...
Which of the following effects is not a consequence of 'introduction' in crop improvement? I...
Land is said to be a fixed asset in Agriculture. This means that ...
Rural-urban migration of farm labour could be prevented by ...