A prolonged wet season at the early stage of growth in co...
A prolonged wet season at the early stage of growth in cotton will lead to
Good vegetative growth and high yield of lint
Tall plant with few bolls
Premature dropping of leaves
Waterlogged soil which increases availability of soil nutrients
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Agricultural credits should be put to the following uses except ...
A castrated male fowl is known as ...
The breed of sheep that can be found throughout Nigeria is ...
Maize is a popular crop in West Africa because it ...
Which of the following is not a problem of agricultural development? ...
Most agricultural policies do not benefit rural communities because ...
Management practices of established pasture include the following except ...
Fertilizer application in maize should be completed before ...
An advantage of rotational grazing is that ...
The disadvantages of land fragmentation include the following except ...