The role of science and technology in the development of ...
The role of science and technology in the development of agriculture includes the following except
Provision of insecticides and drugs
Provision of good road network
Introduction of artificial insemination centres
Setting up produce marketing boards
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the labelled parts enables the tool to float on water when fish is caught? ...
Which of the following factors affecting land availability and use is a socio-economic factor? ...
The propety of soil which cannot easily be change by a famer is the ...
The recommended spacing for oil palm cultivation is ...
The most devastating and commonest pests of cassava foliage are ...
A farmer practices crop rotation in order to ...
The soil water that is readily available for absorption by plant roots is called ...
The principles of agricultural extension includes the following except ...
To which of the following crops does the term ginning apply? ...
Agricultural education programmes for rural youth will reduce the ...