Which of the following groups of crops is widely frown in...
Which of the following groups of crops is widely frown in areas with high rainfall?
Cocoa, oilpalm, rubber and kola
Millet, onoin, cotton and sorghum
Coffee, cocoa, cotton and millet
Rubber, onion, oil palm and cotton
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The most important farm input contributed by the peasant farmer's family is ...
Which of the following agricultural raw material would a glue-processing industry require? ...
Pruning is carried out to I. control the size of the plants ll. obtain clean and attra...
I. Allowing land to fallow II. Applying organic fertilizer III. Practicing monoculture...
The hormone that prevents abortion or expulsion of the foetus during pregnancy is ...
Foot and mouth disease is caused by a ...
The maturity period of tomato in days is about ...
Pigs are normally classified into the following group except ...