Which of the following groups of items will appreciate in...
Which of the following groups of items will appreciate in value on the farm?
Seedling, calves and chicks
Equipment, piglets and lambs
Buildings, seedlings and piglets
Calves, machinery and chicks
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The botanical name of giant star grass is ...
Which of the followings is not an abiotic components of an ecosystem? ...
Management practices of established pasture include the following except ...
The most appropriate farm implement for breaking up soil clod is the ...
The main sources of farm power in West Africa are ...
The new rock formed when limestone is subjected to great heat and pressure is ...
The most important factor which determines the demand for cowpea by consumers is the ...
Monocotyledonous crops are characterized by ...
Which of the following is an example of a pasture commonly used in agriculture? ...
The use of land for agricultural purpose involves the following except ...