The most important farm input contributed by the peasant ...
The most important farm input contributed by the peasant farmer's family is
Planting materials
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following sources of farm power is most flexible and adaptable to farm operations? ...
The disbanded produce marketing boards in Nigeria dealt with the following commodities except ...
The side effects of chemical control of diseases and pests include the following except ...
The use of fungal pathogens to control dodder weed is a ...
All but one are qualities of a good extension worker ...
Cost Price (N) Useful life (Years) Salvage value (N) ...
Which of the following statements is not true of agricultural production? ...
On a curve for the law of diminishing returns, maximum output is obtained at the ...
Which of the following sources of farm power is most verstile in West Africa? ...