Which of the following materials is not allowed in the ha...
Which of the following materials is not allowed in the harvesting of fish?
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The humpless breed of cattle which also possess short horns is ...
What is the change in quantity of rice demand when the price increases from N1.00 to N5.00? ...
The major difference between loan and subsidy is that ...
Government agricultural regulation are made to control the following except the ...
Under the communal land tenure system, farmers find it difficult to secure loans because ...
The extension method that will benefit only the literate farmers is ...
Which of the following is not a factor of soil formation? ...
Root-knot disease in tomatoes is caused by ...
The parts which protect the foetus from mechanical injury are labelled ...
A farmer who plants African Marigold between his crops has the intention of controlling ...