Cow dung is usually added to a fish pond in order to enco...
Cow dung is usually added to a fish pond in order to encourage the growth of
Lichen and mosses
Phytoplankton and zooplankton
Celosia and amaranthus
Shallot and lilly
Lettuce and cabbage
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The scarcity of land often compels peasant farmers to practice ...
The disease which most attacks groundnut is called ...
Which of the following is a hand tool commonly used in agriculture for cutting grass or crops? ...
Fluids from the cowpers and prostate gland help in the following except ...
Which of the following structures is not connected to the urethra of a bull? ...
Which of the following is not a biotic factor affecting agricultural production? ...
Which of the following activities are cultural practices? I. Harrowing II. Filling-in&...