A moistened soil sample which can be moulded to form a sm...
A moistened soil sample which can be moulded to form a smooth continuous ring is characteristic of
Sandy clay
Heavy clay
Loamy sand
Clay loam
Heavy loam
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
What is the primary characteristic of weeds in agriculture? ...
To which of the following crops does the term 'ginning' apply? ...
Which of the following are branches of agriculture? ...
The act of giving birth in farm animal is called ...
The following are systems of mating in farm animals: l. Stud mating ll. Artificial ins...
Which of the following soil elements becomes readily available at pH values above 8? ...
Which of the following is a hand tool commonly used in agriculture for cutting grass or crops? ...
The process of removing excess maize seedlings from a stand is known as ...