Control of weeds of forage crops can be carried out by th...
Control of weeds of forage crops can be carried out by the following methods except
Use of herbicide
Biological control
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
What is the process of introducing foreign genetic material into an organism called? ...
The appropriate irrigation method for upland rice field is ...
In the carbon cycle, carbon dioxide in the air may be replenished by ...
Which of the following crops cannot be easily improved by cross-breeding? ...
The practice of growing different crops in sequence on a piece of land is known as ...
The process whereby the embryo of a seed resumes growth under favourable conditions is called ...
Night blindness in an animal is caused by a deficiency of ...
The causal organism of mastitis in cattle is ...
Drainage types include the following except ...
Which of the following feedstuffs requires much processing before being fed to animals? ...