Temperature is an important factor which is monitored in ...
Temperature is an important factor which is monitored in fish ponds because
It determines the feeding rate in fish
Its fluctuation retards fish reproduction
It affects the metabolic processes in fish
It decreases the reaction of fishes to other water organisms
It reduces the effect of decaying materials in ponds
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
At which of the following ages are gilts normally mated? ...
Climatic factors which affects organisms include the following except ...
Vetok 85 is used to control ...
A farmer uses his agricultural loans for the following except ...
Some plants are suitable for decorating living rooms because of their ...
Farmers can minimize risks association with farming business by ...
Cultural practices can be classified into the following except ...
The most active agent of physical weathering in arid regions is ...
Which of the following statements is not correct about soil texture? ...