Which of the following is not an effect on man of the var...
Which of the following is not an effect on man of the various preventive and control measures of diseases and pests of crops?
Air pollution
Water poisoning
Food contamination
Poor health
Poor utilization
Correct answer is E
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
I. Burning of trash II. Slashing of undergrowth III. Seed bed preparation IV. Soil ti...
Which of the following pairs of raw materials is used in the canning industry ...
In which part of the alimentary canal of poultry is grit mostly found? ...
The processes by which animals release carbon dioxide into the air are ...
The most effective method of controlling viral diseases in crops is by ...
Which of the following rocks is sedimantary? ...
An example of grain legume is ...
Which of the following pairs of farming systems uses bush fallowing? ...
Liver fluke infestation causes disturbance in lipid digestion because it ...