If a crop requires 1.5 kg phosphorus per hectare, how man...
If a crop requires 1.5 kg phosphorus per hectare, how many kg of manure will be required per hectare if 1 kg manure contains 0.49 kg of phosphorus?
Correct answer is E
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The source of food for fishes in the river is called ...
The objective of crops improvement programmes is to produce the following except ...
Maceration is carried out in the processing of ...
Which of the following is a common problem in agricultural economics and extension? ...
When granting loans to farmers, the credit officer should consider mostly the ...
Rosette disease of groundnut is transmitted by ...
Which of the following statements is not a precaution measure in bee keeping? ...
Which of the following does not fit into the agricultural use of land? ...