Which of the following does NOT happen when a zinc rod is...
Which of the following does NOT happen when a zinc rod is introduced into a solution of copper (ll) sulphate?
Electrons flow towards the zinc rod
The zinc rod dissolves
The temperature of the soil changes
The blue colour of the solution gradually disappears
Copper metal is deposited
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
An oxide XO2 has a vapour density of 32. What is the atomic mass of X?...
The greater the different in electronegativity between bonded atoms, the? ...
Group O of elements are unreactive because ...
Which of the following salts on hydrolysis would give an alkaline solution? ...
Deliquescent substance are used for ...
n a chemical reaction, the reacting species possess energy of motion known as ...
How many valence electrons are contained in the element \(^{31}_{15}P\)?...
The process involved in the decomposition of sugar by an enzyme is called ...